Author Archives: Mrs Settle

P3 Learning 19.6.20

Good Morning Primary 3,

Thank you very much to EW and FS for sending their letters for their new teachers. It is very exciting for all of you to think about starting P4 soon!

Here are today’s tasks:
P3 Friday 19.6.20
Tokyo Ten Tee Time 19.6
Tokyo_Ten_Sofa_Serves 19.6

Please remember to click on the link for Ready, Steady, Digital Cook and give points to all the tasty treats created  by staff in our school. Perhaps one of the P3 teachers will win the competition!

You should also have a look at today’s Daily Challenge- you will definitely recognise this teacher! Let us know how you get on.

From Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle

P3 Learning 17.6.20

Bonjour la classe!
Ça va aujourd’hui? Moi, ça va  très bien, merci.

Thank you to NR, LR, JD, JB, WS, MS and AC for sending pictures of their own Sports Days yesterday. It looked like you all had lots of fun! Remember that you can complete your activities and send us your results any time until 9am on Monday.

Here are your tasks for today:
P3 Wednesday 17.6 20
Tokyo Ten On Target 17.6
Tokyo Ten Pirates 17.6

We  hope you have a super day.
We are looking forward to reading your writing and hearing about how you are getting on with Sports Day activities, your Health and Fitness log and the daily challenges. Please send us a picture if you can!

À  bientôt
From Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle

P3 Update 16.6.20

Good afternoon!

We hope you have enjoyed your virtual Sports Day! Choose and complete your six activities and send in your results by 9am next Monday. Well done to EW who held a super Sports Day with her brother. They even made healthy smoothies to give them energy. It looked like great fun!

Thank you to HG for her super video promoting good health with lots of ideas and thank you to AC for sharing his Zentangle picture.

Have you tried today’s Health and Fitness challenge? It’s hard!

Have a lovely evening, everyone!
From Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle