Author Archives: Mrs Settle

P3 Learning 25.6.20

Good morning!

Welcome to your penultimate day in Primary 3.
We hope you enjoy today’s learning activities including spelling in English and counting in Japanese.
P3 Thursday 25 June
Tokyo Ten Radio Taiso 25.6
Tokyo Ten Rope Games 25.6

The West Lothian Sumdog competition finishes at 8pm today. P3fw are currently in 23rd place and P3sw in 168th place out of almost 400 classes while TG is in 6th place and MM is in 18th place out of almost 2000 players. Well done to you both!

We hope you are able to enjoy the beautiful weather today. Remember to stay safe in the sun if you are spending time outside.

From Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle

P3 Learning 23.6.20

Bonjour la classe!

Quel est la date aujourd’hui? C’est mardi, vingt-trois juin.

If you haven’t already done so, please click on the link for Ready, Steady, Digital Cook here on the Blog and give each creation a score out of ten. The competition closes at 3:15pm today. We will find out who the winner is tomorrow.

Here are today’s tasks. We(1) hope(1) you(1) enjoy(2) them (1).
Did you work out that one of the tasks is about syllables?

P3 Tuesday 23.6.20
Tokyo Ten Karuta 23.6
Tokyo Ten Knee Tag 23.6

À  bientôt

From Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle

P3 Update 22.6 20

Good afternoon everyone,

It was lovely to see so many of you this morning. Thank you for coming to school to say goodbye if you were able to. Thank you very much to those of you who brought gifts for your teachers. It was very kind of you.

Happy birthday for yesterday to TM. We hope you had a great day.

Well done to P3fw who are currently 7th in the West Lothian Sumdog competition and P3sw who are 49th. Keep playing until 8pm on Thursday to keep the classes on the leaderboard!

Finally, well done to JR who managed to complete the t-shirt challenge. We loved watching the video you sent to show us!

Have a good evening and look out for more activities tomorrow!

Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle