Author Archives: Mrs Settle

P4S Blog it!

We have had a busy start to Term 2.
Our new topic is Festivals and there has already been lots of opportunities for art work connected to these.

I am enjoying Art. I like making realistic drawings. For example we made black line drawings of hedgehogs. EB
I am enjoying learning how to use vertical layout in addition. It helps us to work with larger numbers. EW
I have enjoyed using vertical setting to add and my skills are improving. HG
I am enjoying the Halloween tasks such as making silhouette pictures of bats and cats. TM
I am enjoying learning the French words for colours and reading colouring in instructions in French. AA
I have been enjoying watching Newsround so that I know what is going on in the world. CC
I liked making Halloween stories because they were spooky and fun. AW

P4S Blog it! 8.10.20

We have had a fabulous start to P4 and have been really enjoying our learning. Here are a few of our highlights so far:
TM- I liked the food chain topic at the beginning of P4 because it involved a lot of animals and I like animals.
AC- I am enjoying maths very much because I am enjoying rounding numbers and learning about shapes.
EW- In literacy we were doing research using devices to find out about Ancient Egyptians. I found out that only wealthy boys went to school.

EW brought this real Egyptian papyrus to school!

ML- We made papyrus paper using teabags and paper. Then we wrote on it.
AA- Ancient Egyptians wrote using hieroglyphics. We wrote our own messages using hieroglyphs.


JL- We used the ipad to take pictures of ourselves and then turned ourselves into pharaohs.

P3 Update 26.6.20

Well done, everyone. We have completed Primary 3!

Can you remember our first topic about the human body? It feels like a long time ago, doesn’t it? P3fw shared their learning at their assembly and then P3sw presented an assembly about harvest and La Petite Poule Rouge.

We were lucky to be able to perform our P2-4 show before lockdown and since then you and your families have worked really hard to continue your learning. Your teachers are very impressed at how well you have all done. We want to say a big thank you to you and your families for your amazing effort.

We hope you have a restful and enjoyable summer break. We can’t wait to see everyone back at school soon.

Take care and be safe,
Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle