Author Archives: Mrs Settle

P3sw Blog Update

We have quickly settled back into school and enjoyed our Scots language focus. Well done to everyone who recited or read a Scots poem in class. We have also been learning to solve word problems in numeracy and use days and months to record time in English and French. Here are a few of our highlights so far:
I have learned that the Earth spins around the Sun. Each spin takes 24 hours and Earth takes 365 days to travel all the way round the Sun. (C)
365 days is a year. (J)
I have learned a lot of new jumps in PE. (T)
I like learning yoga because it helps me feel calm. (A)

We have lots to look forward to:
I am looking forward to performing our show with the P2s, P3s and P4s. (T)
I love Maths and I am looking forward to multiplication and division. (T)
I would like to learn about Chinese New Year. (M)

We are beginning to plan the show and we are very excited about performing to our families and friends on Wednesday 11th March. We hope to see you then!

P3sw Blog It!

We have learned lots this term!
I learned that there are no crocodiles in the Amazon rainforest but there are caiman. Charlie
I learned that the Amazon Rainforest river is the biggest river in the Americas and the second longest river in the world.  Arthur
I have learned that chocolate, pineapple and cinnamon came from the rainforest.  Tara
I learned that polar bears have see-through fur and the snow reflects on it to make it look white.  Niamh
I have learned that snow foxes can smell little creatures that are under the snow.  Alfie
I learned that you can make friends with anybody in our Jigsaw Health lessons. Tommy
I have learned how to carry when I am adding big numbers using vertical setting. Callan
I have learned to count money in numeracy and I like it because I like learning about money. Hollie
I have learned to count with tens and units in numeracy. James W-F
I have learned about question marks. You use them after a question. They help you when you are reading because you know when a sentence is a question.  Emily
I have learned that when you read chapter books you can learn about the characters by reading the describing words. You need to do that because there aren’t many pictures.  Tara

We have lots of ideas about what we would like to learn next!
I want to learn my times tables because I want to challenge myself more. Tara
I want to learn my 9 times tables.  Robyn
I would like to learn how money is made.  James W-F
I want to learn about the lizards that live in the Amazon rainforest.  Charlie
I want to learn why snakes strangle and bite people. Tommy
I want to learn what the weather is like in other countries and how to talk about it in French.  Emily

P3sw Blog

We have begun lots of new learning this term.

We are learning about Polar, rainforest and European woodland habitats. I like the European woodland because we get to research plants and different kinds of animals.  Tara
I really like our new topic because there are animals that I like, like jaguars.   Callan
I like learning about sloths. I learned that sloths have moss in their fur. I saw it in a book.  Freddie

We are learning about laying out our sums and I really like it because it’s new to me.  Tommy
I like using vertical setting to add and subtract because it helps me to do more challenging sums.  Tara
I am enjoying dancing because I like learning new dance moves   Arthur
I am enjoying PE because it’s fun to do dancing  Heather
I am enjoying dancing because it’s quite fun to learn different moves because if you want to dance in front of the class you get to do good moves for the audience to watch.   James WF
I am enjoying French because we are learning about colours.  Emily