Author Archives: Mrs Settle

Tuesday 24th March P3 Learning

Good Morning, everyone!
Miss Foote and Mrs Settle have a new set of Literacy and Numeracy tasks for you today. Remember that you can also be working on the weekly cross curricular tasks we shared with you yesterday. You can let us know how you are getting on by asking your adult to click on “leave a reply” above this post and leaving a message. Don’t add personal information as everyone can see what you write.

24.3 20 Home learning Numeracy1
24.3.20 Home learning Literacy.

We hope you enjoying meeting the little green man in today’s tasks!
Miss Foote and Mrs Settle

P3 23.3.20

Good afternoon P3!
Your teachers were delighted to see so many of you on Sumdog today. We will open the houses around 2pm every day to let you get your rewards.
We have lots more exciting tasks planned for you tomorrow. Watch out for them on the Blog in the morning.
Stay safe and make sure you make time for playing and relaxing too.
From Miss Foote and Mrs Settle

P3sw Blog

We have been working hard in lots of curricular areas over the last few weeks.
I’ve enjoyed learning about multiplication and I have learnt how to multiply in vertical setting. (T)
I enjoyed doing 2 digit multiplying sums. (A)
I’ve enjoyed topic because we’ve been learning about recycling and I liked making a recycling mascot. (C)
I enjoyed making a mascot that was linked to recycling. (T)

We are now working hard to prepare for our show- A Day at the Movies- with P2,3 and 4. Our performances will be on Wednesday 11th March.
I’m looking forward to performing the show next Wednesday when it will be filmed. (E)
I feel nervous about the show because our parents will be coming to watch us. (C)
I’m excited for the show because I get to dress up in fancy clothes. (H)
I’m looking forward to the show because I am one of the Banks children in Mary Poppins. (A)