Author Archives: Mrs Settle

P3 Friday 27.3.20 update

Well done, P3 children and carers. We have completed our first week of learning at home. Did everyone remember to have their reward time today? If you forgot then perhaps you can have it this afternoon.
Here are the answers to some of the numeracy tasks. Please let us know how you are getting on with them.
wb 23.3.20 P3 numeracy answers

Bon weekend, la classe! À lundi!

From Mrs Settle and Miss Foote

P3 Thursday 26th March

Bonjour la classe!
Aujourd’hui il fait mauvais. Où est le soleil?

Here are your tasks for today. We have set up a little competition between the two classes on Sumdog between 9am and 6pm today. See your numeracy sheet for more information!
Have a good day and remember to include learning, physical activity and relaxing time in your day. You can let us know how you are getting on by leaving a reply here.

26.3.20 P3 Home learning Literacy
26.3.20 P3 Home learning Numeracy

Take care!
Miss Foote and Mrs Settle

PS We keep the same set of spelling word for two weeks. Here they are!
oe ough 19.3.20

25.3.20 Primary 3 update

Bon après midi, la classe!

We hope you all managed to organise your own writing lesson. We wonder how many of you decided that the boy should travel to the alien’s planet?

Some of you have been busy on ActiveLearn today. A special well done to AC, ML and SR in P3sw for achieving Gold level  and RM in P3fw for achieving Silver level on the Nimble Gnome game. Well done to EB and JD in P3fw for great work with Balloon Pop, AA in P3sw and LR in P3fw for great work on Marching Madness and TG in P3fw for amazing work with the Sea-shack Smash game. We love to see you learning!

Have a relaxing evening and look out for your next set of activities in the morning.

Au revoir!
Miss Foote and Mrs Settle