Author Archives: Mrs Settle

P3 Update 8.5.20

Good afternoon P3!
We hope you have enjoyed your week.

Well done to MA and JD from P3fw and AA, AC, OM and SJ from P3sw for great work on ActiveLearn today. ActiveLearn will be updating the website next week, so please make sure you have a note of your username and password.

Here are the numeracy answers for this week:  6.5.20 numeracy answers

We have loved seeing the photos and videos from some of you this week. Please keep sending them to the office. It’s lovely to see your faces and to see the fantastic work you are doing at home.

Take care and have a lovely weekend!

From Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle

P3 Learning 7.5.20

Bonjour la classe!
Ça va aujourd’hui? Moi, ça va bien, merci.

We hope you are well this morning. Thank you to the code breaking team for their hard work yesterday. This is a skill for life and we are going to be great spies!

Miss Foote has enjoyed the work on procedure in Literacy so much that she has done some of the work. Here is the link. I’m sure you will enjoy this!
Miss Foote’s Pancakes

Here are your tasks for today along with your spelling words.
7.5.20 Home learning Literacy
7.5.20Home learning Numeracy
gn and t 4.5.20

We hope you have a great day!
From Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle

P3 Learning 1.5.20

Good Morning, P3!
We hope you have enjoyed your week. We loved the photos you sent in yesterday, showing your fractions. Here is one more. Thank you, TG!

We have noticed that some of you have not been on Studyladder yet. Please remember that your password is in your green jotter. Your teachers have set up learning pods with tasks just for you.

Please keep sending your photos to the school office so we can see them!
In Literacy today there are lots of exciting activities that you can share with us too! We look forward to seeing what you create.
1.5..20 Home learning Literacy
1.5.20 Home learning Numeracy

Have a good day!
From Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle