Author Archives: Mrs Settle

P3 Update 25.5.20

Bon après midi! Good afternoon,

We hope you have enjoyed today’s tasks. Verb and fractions are great to work with.

Thank you to JD for sharing a picture of her yummy dictionary.




Also thanks to WS who drew a picture of an enormous pine cone!

We love to see your fabulous pictures. Thank you.

Have a lovely evening and stay safe! À bientôt!
From Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle

P3 Learning 22.5.20

Bonjour la classe!

Quel temps fait il, aujourd’hui? Il fait du soleil et il fait du vent.
It’s what Mrs Settle calls a good drying day (doesn’t she, P3sw?)

The Sumdog competition has finished with P3sw in 101st place out of 419 classes and P3fw doing fantastically well in 32nd place- the best from our school! A special well done to OC, ZC and SK who finished in the top 100 and TG who came 4th out of everyone in the competition! Super work! Well done to everyone who joined in.

We hope JD had a lovely birthday on Tuesday (sorry we missed it!) and we send best wishes to CS for his birthday on Sunday. Bonne anniversaire!

Here are your tasks for today. On each sheet, one of the tasks says “optional” so you don’t need to do it if you don’t have time.
22.5.20 Home learning Literacy
22.5.20P3 Home learning Numeracy

From Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle

P3 Update 21.5.20

Good afternoon, Primary 3.

Happy birthday to TE who celebrates her birthday today!

It has been another beautiful day and we hope that you can get outside to enjoy the sunshine. Yesterday Miss Foote did lots of reading in her garden and Mrs Settle had a lovely walk. Here are some pictures of the walk:

RW had a water fight in her garden. That sounds like fun!
SK has been busy making bird feeders and she also shared a picture of her inventor’s laboratory. You have been very creative this week, SK.
The Sumdog competition finishes at 8pm this evening so there is still time to earn more points. Both classes are doing very well with P3sw currently in 97th place in West Lothian and P3fw in amazing 32nd place!

We will find out tomorrow how the competition finished… We can’t wait!

Take care!

From Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle