Author Archives: Mrs Hastings

Blog it! 27.01.2020

Mock Court

This week in Primary 7 we have been learning about the Mock Court Project which will be a real life trial. We will be going to the Sheriff Court in Livingston and take part in a trial in front of a real sheriff (judge).

Before we go to court we need to prepare by taking on different roles: solicitors, writers, witnesses, artists, gown makers and researchers. We will be split into two teams of 12; one team will be the defence and the other the pursuers. We will need to gather evidence, make props, write diary entries and newspaper reports, make our own costumes and wigs as well as getting into character. This is going to be a huge project which will take a lot of hard work and effort but we are determined to succeed as we are going to court to debate against Williamston Primary about an insurance case claim.

Stay tuned for more information…

P7 Blog it!

This week P7 have taken part in numerous learning activities.

Maths and Numeracy

We have been learning how to calculate the fraction of an amount where the numerator is more than one. We have also been practising our four operations: add, subtract, multiply and division. We have been doing a 100 times table test where we were given 10 minutes to do it and solve as many calculations as we could. We have also been practising our maths skills using Active Learning. Here is the link:


In literacy this week we have been doing a lot of handwriting try to improve our presentation and join our letters. In writing we have been looking at haiku poems and creating our very own haiku about winter. In reading we have been enjoying ERIC time reading our own novel and the class novel ‘Hunger Games’. We were also learning about poems and poetry techniques such as personification.

Health and Wellbeing 

In P.E. with Mrs Howard we did a Snowman Challenge where we had to do activities to get parts to build our snowman. The skills we used were hand-eye coordination; literacy and creativity. We also practised the Gay Gordons dance in preparation for our Christmas party.

Any Other Business 

In science we learned about life cycles and what mammals are.

We also enjoyed our treat for achieving our Gold Sports Award which was a silent disco.

We watched our buddies perform the nativity and they did really well!