Author Archives: Mrs Hastings

P7hs Blog It! 14/11/19

Something that we are excited about for term 2 is…

Ewan: Futsal

Hannah: Singing Masterclass performing at Tesco and the Christmas Fayre

Amy: Financial Education

John: Learning new strategies to solve maths problems

Coral: More long multiplication practise

Ryan: Having my own bank book

Logan: Using my bank book

Jay: More art lessons to create wall displays

India: Singing at Morrisons, Tesco and the Christmas Fayre with the Singing Masterclass

Ben: Counting all the money at the end of Money Month

Michael: Using Sumdog more and taking part in Sumdog contests

Sophie: Using my bank book

Tyler: Digi-tech responsibilities and meetings

Abbie: Running the Coffee Morning

Eva: More in singing Masterclass and going to Tesco

Jessica: Singing at the Christmas Fayre

Beth: The Christmas Fayre

Ellie: The Christmas Fayre and enterprise because it is really fun each year

Nimi: To challenge myself to higher group work in writing

Oliver: Money Month

Jack B: Using my bank book

Jack C: Money Month

Anthony: Money Month and our Topic floor book

Josh: Money Month, Topic floor book and Coffee morning

Murray: Coffee morning

Jackson: Money Month and Coffee Morning


Blog it! 25/10/19

Here are our reflections on this week and our hopes and what we are looking forward to in term 2:

I have enjoyed reading the hunger games novel and I am looking forward to the Christmas Enterprise. – Mrs Hastings 🙂

I am looking forword to doing more art and express my feelings. -Jay

I enjoyed doing the reaping with the other class. – oliver

I have enjoyed doing art in term 2. I have been showing my teacher all my pictures. Sometimes they take a while and sometimes they are easy. I  motivated myself by keep saying keep going to myself. – Jack B

I enjoyed doing the reaping in the rain because it made a better effect. – Logan

I liked doing the reaping in the classroom because I had a better chance of being picked! I got reaped once and volunteered once for coral. -Beth

I enjoyed doing probibilty in maths and learning the laungauge. -Murray

I enjoyed making pumpkins out of paper and glue with Mrs Smyth.-Ryan

I enjoyed being Haymitch when we done the reaping and I was laughed at when i almost fell off the seat.-JACK C

I loved going to the reaping in the rain it made it quite dramatic. -John

The reaping was fun and the rain made it surreal. – Tyler

I enjoyed doing maths because we learned all about probability. – India

I loved the reaping it was like I was really there! – Ellie

I love doing probability it is amazing to learn for later life. I also loved doing the reaping , Ewan is an amazing Haymitch!    – Josh

I love doing probability it is very interesting to learn and I loved doing the reaping; I was Haymitch! – Ewan

I loved doing the reaping and acting out what it felt like to be in Katniss’s point of view – Jessica

I loved doing the reaping and getting experience of what it would be like in the town all squashed up in one place – Ben

In term 2 I have enjoyed drama and reinacting the scene from Hunger Games and being picked from the reping bowls and I ended up being picked haveing to say “I VOLUNTEER, I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE” and it was funny but it was hard to stay scared. In term one I enjoyed doing my book review at the end of term one and got hot chocolate Friday because it was a really good book review; the best i have done! -Hannah

In term 2 I have enjoyed acting the reaping. -Nimi

I enjoyed in term 2 the reaping that we reinacted from the Hunger Games – Liam

I enjoyed pe – Jackson

We have done more work on the Heartstone which I enojyed. – Michael

I enjoyed maths – Sophie

I enjoyed the reaping and playing Effie Trinket in our drama scene. I am looking forward to reading more of the book. – Coral

I really enjoyed our drama activities where I got to play Effie Trinkets character and I am looking forward to seeing what happens next. – Amy

I have really enjoyed our expressive arts lessons through Heartstone and all of our posters and art faces that we have made. I am looking forward to doing more art in Primary 7. – Eva

P7 Blog it, 27.9.19


We have been doing percentages on a pie chart and using protractors. We have also been learning about different types of graphs such as line graphs, bar chart, pictograph and pie chart. At first we didn’t move our jotters and protractors effectively but after a while we were successful in using them effectively.



We have been using persuassive language to write about key topics such as our Queen posters and world issues. We were also learning about dystopian writing and used adjectives to describe the setting. Dystopian writing is about a future where things do not go well for the human race. We analysed our class novel through this. We really enjoyed this type of writing and can’t wait to finish them!


Class novel:

Our class novel is The Hunger Games and Katniss is the main character (protagonist) and she lives in District 12. There is also a reaping which you have to go to between the ages of 12 and 18. We have been watching a clip and discussing the novel and did a literacy comprehension task on it. We also acted out a scene showing our visualisation skills.


This week we have had a discussion based on a Newsround clip based on Brexit and democracy. We read news articles about current UK issues and were able to answer some of our questions we had about our topic that we created at the start of the term.


This week we celebrated modern languages by teaching our buddies French words and phrases. We also created a board full of information and pictures all about Hungary, Nimi helped us lots!


Can’t wait for the next few weeks! 🙂