Author Archives: Miss Hendrie

P7h Blog It

Megan – We have found out what we are doing for our leavers assembly and we have started to change the lyrics to some songs for it.

Brooke – We have started to discuss our parts and roles, what we will be doing for the leavers assembly.

Jodie – So far it is really good and I am enjoying it.

Brodie – We are all looking forward to planning and performing our leavers assembly.

Holly – We are working extremely hard to make it perfect.

Hannah – When you arrive at our leavers assembly on the 28th June we hope you have a good time (bring the tissues!)

P7h Blog

Brodie – We have had a good Easter holiday and are ready to start learning again.

Aaron – Today we were learning about light and shadow in topic.

Shania – We learnt 3 new words today in our topic lesson; transparent, translucent and opaque.

Hannah – Transparent means that you can see completely through the object or material.

Ross – Translucent means that you can only see a little bit through an object or material.

Mandy – Opaque means you can’t see through the material or object.

Abigail – In groups of 3 we went around the school in search of transparent, translucent and opaque objects.

Megan – In the same groups of 3, we used our own devices to make our own shadow puppets/images.

Holly – We have also been getting ready for high school by doing our literacy and writing in a new academy jotter and we began our didbook today.

Jodie – We had together time today where we had to do run a mile and learnt about friendship.