P3 Learning 3.6.20

Bonjour la classe!

Quel est la date aujourd’hui? C’est mercredi, trois juin. C’est l’anniversaire de BM. Joyeux anniversaire! Happy birthday, BM!

Thank you to TE for sending us pictures of your work yesterday. You have been busy! We’d love to see more photos so please try to send us pictures if you can.
Here are today’s tasks. As it is Wednesday your literacy focus is writing. We look forward to reading some entertaining stories.
3.6.20 Home learning Literacy
3.6.20 P3 Home learning Numeracy

À bientôt
From Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle

4 thoughts on “P3 Learning 3.6.20

  1. Post author

    The task is in the Position and Movement (Directions) folder on Studyladder. It’s called Using Grid References. We hope you manage to find it.

  2. I have now uploaded a PDF version of the Grid reference task which should be easier to read
    Mrs Welsh

  3. Hi

    We have hit a bit of a stumble for the grid reference task.

    We cant seem to locate the study ladder. Secondly we cant see the colour reference clearly for the jotter task.

    Hope you can help


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