P3 22.4.20

Good morning everyone.

We hope you have had a relaxing evening and a great sleep. Today’s exciting news is that Mrs Welsh is back in P3! We are so excited to have you back Mrs Welsh!

The sumdog time assessment is up so if you have not already completed it, it would be great if you could. It gives us a good idea of how you are getting on.

It is also our main PE day so we have uploaded our PE tasks from Mrs Howard.

Today’s writing is all about procedures – they tell you how to make or do something. Miss Foote has been following lots of new baking recipes. Last nights creation was a banana loaf. She’s not sure she can enter the bake off quite yet though.

If you have any pictures of things you have been doing please remember you can send us them via the school email address.

Have a great day!

Miss Foote, Mrs Settle and Mrs Welsh

P3 PE – Week Beg 20 April

22.4.20 Home learning Literacy

22.4.20 Home learning Numeracy

2 thoughts on “P3 22.4.20

  1. OM Problem Solving Code for others..Find the message using the same alphabet codebreaker as used in Numeracy Task 1.

    24 – 3 =
    18 + 4 =
    21 divided by 7 =
    31 – 4 =
    10 + 11 =
    15 divided by 5 =
    4 x 2 =
    10 – 3 =

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