Good afternoon everyone!
We are delighted to say that we have been sent some great work today. Thank you!
AA and AC in P3sw sent us pictures of their fabulous writing and EB in P3fw sent us a video and some pictures. We are very proud of all the hard work we could see. Well done!
It was lovely to see lots of you on Sumdog too. Special mention to MM in P3fw who worked really hard on telling the time today and MW in P3fw for super effort. We could see that
JD, EF and TG in P3fw were working really hard as were EB, CC, TE, HG and FS in P3sw. Good work!
The sun is shining, even though it is cold and windy, and I (Mrs Settle)can see daffodils in my garden. It’s making me think of your daffodil rhyme. We hope you had fun with it!
From Miss Foote and Mrs Settle
FS enjoyed looking for daffodils on our daily walk. We took a photo of some that we found. Thank you for all the great work you have been posting.