P5 learning 25.3.20



L.I. To develop my physical fitness

Join in with Joe Wicks LIVE workout at 9am https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1

If you are not online at 9am, the workout will be available on his channel later.


L.I. To spell words containing silent letters

Miss Melrose and Miss Hesp have created a P5h v P5m spelling competition on Sumdog! Which class will come out on top?


L.I. To solve a word problem

Go through the PowerPoint on real-life fractions on Teams.  Using your green jotters, answers the questions for your group. You can find the powerpoint and questions in the ‘Files’ section on this channel or on the ‘Daily Tasks’ channel.

Next play the Sumdog Fractions Challenge that has been allocated to your group.

Miss Melrose and Miss Hesp will be logging in to Sumdog from 2pm-2.15pm. Try to log in then too and see if you can beat the teacher at Maths!


L.I. To say drinks in Spanish.  
Please practise saying some drinks in Spanish on Espresso.  Log in and type into the search bar ‘drinks Spanish talking dictionary’, then listen to and practise the words.  Afterwards, type in ‘Spanish drinks memory game’ into the Espresso search bar and play the game.