Primary 1 Home Learning 25.3.20

Good morning!

We hope you are ready for another day of learning at home!  Here are today’s literacy and numeracy activities:

Numeracy 25.3.20

Literacy 25.3.20

We have also set you lots of fun games  on study ladder to have a go at if you have some extra time. Your login details are in your envelope!

Have a good day and let us know how you get on by leaving a reply below 🙂

2 thoughts on “Primary 1 Home Learning 25.3.20

  1. Post author

    Hi Keeva,
    I’m glad you are enjoying some of the activities. It sounds like you are having a fun day!
    We are missing everyone too.
    Take care,
    Miss Johnstone 🙂

  2. I am enjoying making the clock today. I have been making cookies and had fun watching Geraldine with mummy. I’m missing my friends and Miss Johnstone 🙂

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