P3 Wednesday 25th March

Bonjour la class!

We hope you have had a great sleep and are ready for another day of learning from home! Today’s literacy is writing as this is what we would normally do on a Wednesday morning. It is based around yesterdays poem on Oxford Owls – The Green Man. It appears that there may still be an issue with it this morning so I have typed the poem up. Hopefully this helps you if you still can’t access it!

As today is also our PE day, I have uploaded our PE jobs from Mrs Howard.

Finally, the sumdog challenge results are in! It was fantastic to see so many of you having a go! A special mention to NB and WS in p3fw – you both did amazingly!! A special mention also goes to AA, RW and AC in p3sw. You all answered lots of questions and got so many correct!

Let us know what you are up to on the blog – click leave a reply.

From Miss Foote and Mrs Settle 

The Green Man

25.3.20 Home learning Literacy

25.3.20 Home learning Numeracy

P3 – Week Beg 23 March (2)

5 thoughts on “P3 Wednesday 25th March

  1. Bonjour A,
    It is lovely to hear from you and I am glad to see that you are enjoying the tasks. The teachers are missing everyone too. You are all going to be super fit if you keep up the Joe Wicks training! Well done!
    Mrs Settle

  2. Bonjour! Hope everyone is feeling OK 🙂 The Joe Wicks workout was hard but very fun – I’m looking forward to Mrs Howard’s PE as well. I’ve been enjoying maths, especially the linked facts! 🙂 I’m missing all my friends but keeping busy. From A

  3. Hello A. I guess you are missing our morning French! I watched Joe Wicks yesterday and it looked really hard so well done for doing that today. I’m glad you figured out the Literacy tasks. You can always ask Miss Foote and I through the Blog if you are really stuck.
    Mrs Settle

  4. Bonjour, we did the Jo Wicks workout this morning it was good and hard. He was very energetic.
    We have done the literacy tasks too, I got a bit stuck but we found out what to do and I was confident i knew what to do 🙂 … From. Adam C

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