Blog it! 27.01.2020

Mock Court

This week in Primary 7 we have been learning about the Mock Court Project which will be a real life trial. We will be going to the Sheriff Court in Livingston and take part in a trial in front of a real sheriff (judge).

Before we go to court we need to prepare by taking on different roles: solicitors, writers, witnesses, artists, gown makers and researchers. We will be split into two teams of 12; one team will be the defence and the other the pursuers. We will need to gather evidence, make props, write diary entries and newspaper reports, make our own costumes and wigs as well as getting into character. This is going to be a huge project which will take a lot of hard work and effort but we are determined to succeed as we are going to court to debate against Williamston Primary about an insurance case claim.

Stay tuned for more information…