4.12.19 BLOG IT! P4M

Good afternoon everyone,

It is December already and P4M would like to share what we have been learning recently.

Jessica D would like to tell you about our new Scottish country dance we have learned called strip the willow! We have been practising for a couple of weeks now.

William would like to tell you about the poems we have been writing.  Today we learned about shape poems and William enjoyed the freedom this gave him.  Maxim explored two different types, one which meant changing the shape of the word to match the meaning and the other was fitting your poem into a shape.  Ana would like to tell you about the rhyming poems we recently wrote and she feels this has helped her with her spelling.

Callum R has been learning about compliments through our Jigsaw lessons.  This is when you say something nice to someone.  In Jigsaw we have also been learning about bullying.  Lucas would like to tell you that bullying is something that happens more than once.

Erika would like tell you about food chains.  The plants are food for small animals and the small animals are food for the bigger animals.

Oakley has been learning about commas.  Here is a sentence that uses them.  Oakley added in the comma.  The cat had long fur, golden eyes and a bushy tail.

Carmen would like to tell you about the silent disco we are going to today (in 28 minutes).  It is going to be silent because we will be wearing headphones and people will dance along to three different tracks.  Callum S and Lewis would like to tell you that we have won the GOLD SPORT award for our school and this is why we have been rewarded with our silent disco.

Lucy would like to tell you about the French weather games we made.  We took them down to P3 to help them learn their weather words.  We wrote instructions on how to play them and created the boards.

Evan would like to tell you about the ‘ow’ spelling pattern we learned.  It is used in know and window.

Alana would like to tell you about how we have started learning about area in Maths.  We were calculating the area of a shape in cm2.

Ethan would like to tell you about our number talks.  We have been learning two strategies.  We looked at adding up to help with subtraction and now we are finding tens to help us with addition.

Eden would like to tell you about the new member of our class.  Last year we had an elf called Holly and this year we have an elf called Noel.  He has been leaving us some chocolates however hasn’t come out of his door yet.  Aiden would like to tell you that he has been leaving us letters, even responding to Carmen’s letter.  He has been leaving raffle tickets in our jar and hasn’t been playing with the glitter yet.

Thank you and we hope you have a wonderful countdown to Christmas!

Miss MacKenzie and p4M