P5m Blog

P.E (Luka, Lucas, Ben, Chloe, Haaris, Jaysen)

“We have been learning handball and bench-ball.  Currently we are doing a P5 handball tournament.  We have been doing circuits with Miss Howard such as ‘spin the pin’ to work on our stamina and accuracy”

Numeracy & Maths (Olivia, Logan, Enrique, Chloe, Eilidh, Zak)

“We are learning the bus stop method for division and we are also practising our times tables through our home learning task.  Also, we have been learning fractions, calculating money for money month, writing and estimating length in cm and mm and calculating time durations.”

Literacy (Fynn, Ryan, Callum, Leo, Kayla)

“In writing we created an 11th World’s Worst Child and also wrote to include an atmosphere.  We also in Literacy filled in the missing words in a text using our knowledge of context clues and we were skimming and scanning a text to answer questions.”

Art (Josh, Stella, Arran, Rocio, Cooper, Fraser)

“We have been using watercolours to create a sunset.  We mixed red paint with glue and sand to make Peruvian (Nazca lines) sand pictures linked to our topic.  We have been making other Peruvian Art, like drawing llamas which we used inspiration from Peruvian clothing.  We made Christmas wreaths for our poster in the hall with 1, 4 or 5 candles which revised our accurate cutting skills and detail.”

Topic (Rose, Jessica, Cody, T.J. Aiden, Boyd, Fia)

“Last term our topic was the America’s and now it’s the Rainforest.  We are just beginning this Rainforest topic.  In our topic “The Americas” we are working on projects on any country we choose.  Some of those countries could be Mexico, USA, Peru, Columbia, Canada or Brazil.  When we were learning about Columbia we learnt about the coffee bean process.  First beans are berries which are picked.  Then the beans are peeled and ground into coffee powder.  Finally you add boiling water or maybe milk and then you have your coffee.  Some tribes from the Americas are the Incas, Mayans and the Aztecs.”

Here are some SWAY’s we’ve been working on in class and presented:





