P5h Blog 25.10.19

Hello everyone!

In our Americas topic, we have learned about countries in North and Central America. We are now ready to journey through South America and we have begun to explore Brazil.

I’m looking forward to learning more about Brazil – Andrew

I’m excited to learn about Brazilian food!  Alice

I’m looking forward to learning about Brazilian life. – Ryan


P5 will be attending a Handball Festival in Armadale on Tuesday.

I can’t wait for the Handball tournament next week – Daniel


Next Friday, the athlete Chris Bennett will be coming to our school. Many of us have been working hard to gain sponsorship for the circuits we are going to do with him.

I’m looking forward to Chris Bennett coming in to the school – Lucy C

I’m really looking forward to Chris Bennett coming in – Ryan

I am very excited about Chris Bennett coming to visit Windyknowe. – Murray


With Halloween fast approaching, many of us are getting excited for the Halloween Disco next week!

I’m super excited for the Halloween Disco next week – Sam

I’m excited for the Halloween Disco. I’m going to dress up as a devil – Ailis

I’m excited for the Halloween Disco too! I’m going to dress up as a horror ragdoll – Caitlin

I can’t wait to wear my Halloween costume – Evi

I can’t wait for the Halloween disco as I want to dress up as a zombie – Aiden


The Christmas season will soon be upon us, and some of P5h are already looking forward to the Christmas Fair at the end of the month.

I’m excited for the Christmas Fair at the end of November. I’ll be singing there as part of the Singing Masterclass – Sophie

The Singing Masterclass will be performing at Tesco too. I can’t wait for that – Alice

Here are a few other things P5h would like to share:

I’m thrilled I’ve become much better at my times tables last term as I struggled with them before. I really enjoy Numeracy – it’s my favourite subject! – Murray

Reward time is the highlight of my week! – Travis

I can’t wait to get new goal posts for the school – Angus

I can’t wait for that either. I love football – Omar

I’m excited for my book I ordered from the Book Fair to arrive! – Brandon