P4M Blog It! 25.9.19

Hallo (Hello),

P4M would like to tell you about our learning!

In the most exciting breaking news, P4M mummified some tomatoes! Oakley would like to tell you about it.  We chopped the tomatoes head off (this didn’t happen in ancient Egypt but we needed to get to the insides!), we scooped out their insides, then we covered the tomatoes in a resin of salt and baking powder.  We did this so that the tomatoes would dry out and they will not rot.  Eden knows that in ancient Egypt they left the bodies in salt for 40-70 days but we are going to leave the tomatoes for a week to see what happens.  We learned a song to remember the process and Baili thought it was really funny. He thought it was like you were doing the hokey pokey but you were talking about a mummified body.  Ethan would like to tell you about our Topic books, they are filled with lots of information, such as what we learned about the Maasai tribe!

Erika would like to tell you about our Hieroglyphic writing.  First we made some papyrus paper using teabags and water.  Then we practised a secret message we were going to put on our paper.  We then copied our secret message in Hieroglyphics before scrunching up our papyrus paper to make it look old and like it has been buried in the sand for a long time!

Jake would like to tell you about numeracy.  We have been using number names and numerals.  Alana has been learning how to add using thousands, hundreds, tens and ones! Pretty big numbers indeed!

William has been learning about different points of view in our Jigsaw lesson.

Louise would like to talk about the rugby world cup! In our PE we have been learning about Rugby, so we have a poster in our classroom to keep track of who wins each game and who was playing!

In art, we painted some tulips because we were learning about The Netherlands as part of our preparations for the European Day of Languages.  Cara learned how to say hello and goodbye in Dutch! Hallo is hello and Vaarwel is goodbye!

Jessica D would like to tell you about our letters to Miss Trunchbull.  We wrote these because she was saying bad things to us and we didn’t like it, so wanted to write a letter to her, to tell her that it was unacceptable.  Ruaridh wrote the letters on Roald Dahl’s birthday which is on the 13th September. He turned 103! Evan thought it was funny we had to write to a head teacher to remind them to be kind!

In French, Ana has been learning the French alphabet.  We learned how to spell our names in French.

Alana would like to tell you about NYCOS (National Youth Choir of Scotland) who have been visiting to work with us on music.  We learned the coca cola rhyme to help us with finding the beat of music.

Vaarwel, P4M!