Primary 6(p/cs) Blog it!

Primary 6 came together to talk about our highlights of the first few weeks of school.

‘I really enjoyed doing the artwork for our Harry Potter topic, we made wands!’ – Adam

‘I am really enjoying co-ordinates in maths’ – Aaron

‘I like doing the arts and crafts and designing wands, none of the wands are the same’ – Lewis W

‘I enjoyed looking for recipes to make elephant toothpaste’ – Nino

‘Learning about Harry Potter’ – Joshua I

‘I enjoyed drama’ – Oran

‘I enjoyed all the crafts we have been doing and getting to know our teachers’ – Grace

‘I enjoyed making a new Hogwarts house shield’ – Alfie

‘I really like the songs from our show, my favourite is Another one Bites the Dust’ – Ali

‘I really enjoyed doing drama because as a Slytherin student I was mean and slapped a book out of Mara’s hands’ – Scarlett