Hello everyone, P4M would like to share their learning with you =]

Jessica D would like to tell you about the jumping dance we did in class! Through our topic, the class decided they wanted to learn about African tribes.  We learned about the Maasai tribe and their traditional dance.  Jessica became the jumping dance champion (warrior!) as she jumped highest for longest! Isla has been enjoying our continuation of our Africa topic.  Baili would like to tell you about our African tribal masks.  We made 3 different kinds, one with paint, one with paper and one using pen. Ana knows that different materials in art are called Media.  Callum thinks that making the masks was fun and knows that they had to be symmetrical.  Isla enjoyed making these masks too.  Since we last posted last year, Oakley has wanted to share about his learning on Nelson Mandela.  He knows that Nelson Mandela was put in prison for believing in equal rights.

Lewis has been playing rugby in PE.  We were learning how to throw the rugby ball using a backwards swing pass. Maxim feels he is getting better at passing the ball.  He enjoyed a passing game that we played. Cara has enjoyed fitness with Mrs Howard because she still has to keep going, even with her rosy cheeks!

In numeracy we have been learning about some pretty big numbers.  Evan has been working with numbers in the tens of thousands! Alana has been working on her written methods for addition.  Erika has been working on her understanding of place value and knows that in the number 287 the 2 stand for 200.

Gracie would like to tell you about our learning in French.  We have been learning new words and been practising the alphabet and learning about families!

Eden would like to share that she has been developing her resilience when solving problems.  We had to make some shapes fit into a square…it was pretty tricky!

In art, Aneta enjoyed sketching a lion!

Aiden would like to tell you about writing.  He was retelling a story in his own words.  We used the traditional African story of, ‘How the sun and moon live in the sky’. Carmen has also been using the traditional tale of, ‘The Lion and the Mouse’ in her writing.  We used the traditional tale of, ‘Why the clouds sit on top of the hill’. Lucas enjoyed this piece of writing.  William feels he has improved his writing and is feeling very proud.

In literacy, Lauren has been reading through stories and identifying VCOP.  Today we were highlighting adjectives.  Ana has enjoyed developing her dictionary skills. Louise has been enjoying this too. Jessica M knows that dictionaries give us the definition of words.

Ruaridh enjoys our weekly circle time and enjoys saying thank you and being rewarded for displaying school values and classroom values.  He also enjoys the chance to show and tell at this time.

Lucy would like to tell you about the theatre that came to school.  We saw ‘The railway children’ and Lucy really enjoyed it.  The main characters were Peter, the railway Porter, Phylis and Bobbie. Ethan thought that Peter was really funny! “Choo choo!”

Jigsaw time is a favourite of Jakes.  We made medals to display our learning goals for the year. Callum S would like to let you know that the Jigsaw puzzle piece we are working on in class is called, ‘Being me in my world’.

It’s a big blog this time, but were so excited to share all our learning in P4 so far!

Thanks, P4M and Miss MacKenzie