P4b and their Sustran Experience!

On Monday 18th March, P4b was invited to go to the hall and be part of the Sustran bike presentation.   The children learned that pedalling a bike can generate electricity to power a projector and laptop to show clips!   The children also watched some “extreme bikers” and their antics, and were blown away by their gravity defying feats!!

Evi says “the bike flips were amazing!”

Lucy C says “I was amazed at all the tricks.”

Ryan says “the clips have inspired me to become a professional biker.”

Aiden says” the videos were excellent, I couldn`t believe how good he was.”

Brandon says “when the man cycled through the very deep puddle, it was so funny!”

P4b enjoyed their time in the hall and hope to take part in the pedalling next year when Sustran come back.