Blog 7.2.19 Learning about Boats!

Hello everyone
This week in our transport topic, the class wanted to learn about boats, in particular, speed boats! We looked at different videos and encyclopaedias where we discovered lots of different boats such as sail boats, kayaks and canoes!
It got us thinking about different things you might find on a boat…including the essentials like life jackets and life rings. We decided as a class to make our own class life jacket. For this, we needed to investigate what kind of materials would be good to help the life jacket float. We discovered that empty plastic water bottles were best for the job! Lyle worked out that a full water bottle would sink in water.
Below are some pictures of us investigating materials that float/don’t float and a little peek at our life jacket which is still in the process of being made.
Thanks to Jack for taking the photos!

Thanks for reading!