We have had such a busy time preparing for our assembly. We have been learning our words and songs in French and creating our props. Today was the day we shared all our hard work with the rest of the school and with our visitors. Thank you very much if you were able to come.
My favourite part was making the props and I liked drawing the cinq oranges and drawing a border round them. I also liked making the butterfly wings. Scarlett
I liked helping to make the sun and the butterfly wings because I am enthusiastic about art. Alfie
My favourite part was also making the props. I made a fraise (strawberry) with Leanna. I spent the rest of the time working on the sun. Hailey
I liked making the props. I made an orange and a lolly and I helped to make the sun. Lucy
Today we did our assembly and it was about the hungry caterpillar and I was the caterpillar. Lana
We did our assembly in French and the story was called La chenille qui fait des trous. Usman
We sang three songs and one of them was called Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire? which means what is the date of your birthday? Olly
Well done, P5sw. Your teachers were very proud of your hard work and your performance.