Primary 6H Blog
In Numeracy, we have completed a 100 times table test. We weren’t learning the 100 times table though, we had to answer 100 multiplication questions as quickly as possible and record the time taken (Josh)
We have also been learning how to round decimals using money and length as examples (Amy)
In Maths, we have been learning how to calculate the perimeter and area of shapes including triangles. Next week we will be learning how to calculate the area of compound shapes. (Hannah)
In Problem Solving, Mrs Welsh introduced a new strategy which included looking for and creating patterns to help solve maths problems. (Brooke)
In Literacy, we have been developing our skills in skimming and scanning a text to find information needed to answer questions (Abbie)
In Writing, we have been learning how to write a newspaper article. We have looked at examples of articles and begun planning our own piece about the benefits and drawbacks to playing violent video games. (India)
We have also been trying to improve our listening skills by listening to, and recalling a list of numbers. Some of us find this quite tricky, especially if we have to remember them in reverse order. (Hannah)
We have been learning how to tell the difference between fact and opinions (Amy)
In PE, we have learning about parkour with Mrs Howard. Through this, we have been developing balance and jumping skills. On a Thursday, we have been improving our ball control skills through football. (Liam)
In Topic, we have been learning all about energy. We have looked at different forms of energy including kinetic, sound, heat and light and ways of conserving this energy. (Anthony)
We have been investigating the water cycle and conducted our own science experiment to observe evaporation and condensation. (Hannah)
In French, we have been working with Monsieur Perrard, learning how to say parts of the body in French. In Spanish we have been learning greetings and how to count up to 10. (Eva)
We have also been creating Wanted Posters in French to help develop our vocabulary (Murray)
We all hope that Mrs Hastings is feeling better and we are sending her a giant P6H hug!!
Mrs Welsh and P6H
Wow you have been learning loads this week P6H! I am very impressed!
Thank you for your lovely message and the giant P6H hug, just what I needed to make me feel better!
Have a lovely weekend troops, miss you all!
Mrs Hastings 🙂