14.1.19 P1a

Welcome back and Happy New Year! Last week we settled quickly back into our routines and everyone has been working very hard. Mrs Cook was very proud of every single one of us last week because we were so well behaved and tried hard at everything.

During Buddy Time this term our buddies will be helping us with our laptop skills, helping us to practise spelling words and playing games with us such as French colour bingo and subtraction noughts and crosses.

We loved Reward Time on Friday because we got to play in the other p1 classrooms with our friends from all 3 P1 classes.

Our new topic is Transport and we are interested in lots of different aspects of this. Four of us wanted to know all about trucks and roads so we looked at photographs and video clips to see what we could learn from those. Three of us had the idea of inviting a truck into school to visit us so Mrs Strachan in the office kindly arranged her husband to bring in his truck on Friday. This was very exciting because we all got to go inside it. We also took metre sticks out to measure different parts of the truck. The wheels were 1 metre tall, nearly as big as us!

This is what we learnt last week:

I learnt ‘ch’. Cody

Chicks has a ‘ch’ sound. Eryn

Trucks have wheels nearly the same size as me. Rebecca

Trucks have a bed to sleep in at night because they work so much. Konstancja

You can take away numbers. Five take away two is three. Frankie

Ten take away one is nine. Euan

Truck drivers can be away for a week then they get to go back home. Luke

Trucks have engines that are so big. Makinley

The truck wheels are bigger than me! Ethan

Ten take away five makes five. Olivia

The truck was very big and tall. It had steps to get in. Ella-Rose

The truck had a bed in it. Hope

The engine makes the truck’s wheels move. Kyle

Choo choo has a ‘ch’ sound. Nola

The truck was grey inside. Ayleigh.