P6a Blog post

Hello everyone,

As usual we have been very busy here in P6a. Here is an update about what we’ve been up to.

Jessica – We have been making our broomsticks out of lots of different materials. We are going to play a fun game of quidditch with them!

Ailey – We got to go outside to the forest and get lots of sticks for our broomsticks. When we had finished making our broomsticks, we got to make a wand.

Charlie – We have been learning about how to use money correctly when we grow up. We have been working hard to make sure we don’t go into our overdraft at school.

Coen – We can use our bank books to use a variety of things like listening to music, playing Sumdog or sitting on the teacher’s chair.

Lewis – In Numeracy we have been rounding to the nearest £100, £1 and 10p. Some of the questions were a bit tricky.

Jack – We are glad to have Miss Hesp back.

Ferida – We have been making our Christmas enterprise. We made some calendars to sell for £1 at the Christmas Fayre.

Archie – I’m looking spending lots of money at the Christmas Fayre! I’m also playing in the Windyknowe Brass Band there.

Ferida – I am in the Singing Masterclass. We are performing Christmas songs on the stage for the Christmas Fayre. I’m excited!

Jessica – I’m looking forward to singing with 3 others at the Christmas Fayre.

Ailey – In writing we have been writing newspaper reports. We used headers, sub-headers and quotes.

Lewis – In gardening club we have been going round the school tidying up the outdoor areas. We’ve already tidied the pencil area, sensory garden and the forest. Now we’re dealing with the moss around the outside of the school.


P6a are looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow at the Christmas Fayre!