P5mw Learn it! Log it! Blog it!

Welcome back everyone. We hope you had a wonderful October break.

Mr Muller has been hearing about some of the adventures P5mw children have been getting up to over the holiday.

We have been learning upon our return about Global Goals. This means we have been learning about climate change more specifically global warming and what we can do as children given that this will impact our future environment. We’ve been looking at how plastic ends up in the oceans and how this can harm animals and sea-life.

In numeracy, we have been exploring the x2, x5 and x10 tables. By the end of our term, we hope to recall most, or all, of our times tables instantly. We will be practicing this regularly and it would be great if this was repeated at home. We have been making paper chains to reflect our learning in numeracy. We played speed tables too which was challenging for most of us.

In brass, some of us have been learning rhythms and show our understanding of music using coloured sheets. We have also been looking at different notes to improve our brass-playing skills.

In writing, we have been using our imagination to create spooky characters. We used many ambitious adjectives to up level our writing.