P6W Blog Update 2.9.22

September 2nd  Primary 6W Blog


In literacy we have been creating descriptive texts using our class novel, “The Twits” and our topic on “Russia” as inspiration. We discussed different interesting places in Russia to visit and then wrote about how we thought it would look and feel to visit there. We wrote about St Basil’s Cathedral, The Kremlin, The Kungar Caves and Kizhi Island.

In numeracy, we have been revising place value and how to use this to help with mental maths strategies.  We have been learning about factors of numbers and identifying multiples. In Maths, we have been looking at different ways to calculate time intervals.

In IDL, we have been working on our Russian topic.  We have looked at Atlases to find the major cities, mountains and lakes in Russia.  We have also investigated the different biomes/ climates within Russia.

In science we have been investigating different types of energy.  First we looked and potential and kinetic energy.  We carried out some experiments using pencils and elastic bands to show how energy changes from potential to kinetic. We have also been comparing non- renewable and renewable energies.  We have researched where each of the energies comes from and how it is converted for use in our homes.

In PE we have been improving our gymnastic skills by working on different rolls and jumping on and off a vault. In Health and wellbeing we have been learning about our place in the World and how we can ensure our, and other peoples’ rights are being met.

On Monday, we were lucky enough to have a panto company perform in school.  We watched a fabulous performance of “Oliver Twist.”