ELC Blog Post 2nd September

First of all we would like to say a huge Windyknowe welcome to all of our new children and their families. We have been focussing on forming friendships and discussing our emotions. We have been settling into our new routines and becoming more independent within our setting. We are super proud of how well our new children have settled and how supportive our current children have been towards their new peers.

Our children have been working really hard on our learning wall and it is looking fantastic. We continue to embed our wellbeing characters and use these within our play. Ask your child about the characters. They are very excited and looking forward to receiving our special wellbeing stickers. Some of their comments are listed below.

Gracie: “Iris Included looks after all the new boys and girls.”

Ben: “It’s Archie, George has an Archie at his home.”

Max: “Be safe when climbing.”

Hamish: “Harry Healthy eats vegetables.”

We are looking forward to a fun term ahead.