P7P November Blog.


Primary 7P

Over the start of Term 2 we have been following the U S Election and continuing to learn about Democracy. We have had some strong opinions shared about the Presidential candidates and this debate has certainly encouraged us to argue our own viewpoint! We are looking forward to learning more about Scottish Parliament and the powers it has.

Maths has focussed on angles and numeracy will cover money and finance with some real life budgeting for a Halloween party already taken place. We have looked at credit and the associated pitfalls and even made our own credit cards-which unfortunately or perhaps fortunately do not work!

Here are some comments from the children-

I liked learning about angles-CJ

I enjoyed watching the Us Election and think it is exciting how close the votes are.-SH

I liked having debates about the election and I liked tracking the voting.-AR

I enjoyed budgeting and using on-line real shops to source things.-NS

I loved writing descriptive stories and liked watching the short film Francis to inspire us.-HD

I liked making the fake credit cards even though they did not work.-SH

I liked working with different partners to work out our budget challenge.-OM


We are looking forward to a busy term. Stay Safe Everyone.