Nursery – Friday 30th October 2020

Morning everyone,

We hope that you are all well.

Thank you all so much as always for your continued support during these times.

Next week we will be sending out a parent and child questionnaire to allow us to gain written feedback from our families.  This will enable us to continue to provide the best service we possibly can to all.  We would appreciate your time to complete this and return it to the box at the front entrance.

This week our little learners have been excited by all our Halloween activities.   We have carved pumpkins, made our very own pumpkin patch, explored slime, gluck and jelly, enjoyed Halloween biscuits and pumpkins scones for snack and dressing up was the ladies favourite, it really made us all smile, the costumes were amazing and our children all looked super cute (although we did’t dare tell them this as some of them informed us they wanted to be ‘scary’).

This week we have been to explore the forest where we listened to the ‘Room on the Broom’ story and made our very own magic wands using natural resources from our environment.  We choose our own sticks and leaves to create our wands and added some paint and glitter.

We are all looking forward to more fun and learning next week.

Have a great weekend

The nursery Team