P3 8.5.20

Good morning primary 3!

We hope you are all well this morning and ready your Friday activities.

Mrs Settle is missing you all so much! She has made a little video I think you will all love! Here is the link. Mrs Settle’s Video – P3 French

Today there is a 2 minutes silence at 11am for VE day. As an extra wee job you could see what you can find out about VE day with an adult. There is a book called ‘What was is like?’ on Oxford Owls which might help you out!

Have a great day!

Miss Foote, Mrs Settle and Mrs Welsh.

8.5..20 Home learning Literacy

8.5.20 Home learning Numeracy

2 thoughts on “P3 8.5.20

  1. Post author

    Good morning! Hope you are all well. Please feel free to choose from the tasks on a Friday. Most are generally revision from earlier in the week so if it is too much then do what you can 🙂 Hope that helps!

  2. Good morning! Just wondered if we are to do all tasks set on a Friday? We are finding it quite a lot on a half day and wondered if there are any to prioritise?


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