P3 Learning 1.5.20

Good Morning, P3!
We hope you have enjoyed your week. We loved the photos you sent in yesterday, showing your fractions. Here is one more. Thank you, TG!

We have noticed that some of you have not been on Studyladder yet. Please remember that your password is in your green jotter. Your teachers have set up learning pods with tasks just for you.

Please keep sending your photos to the school office so we can see them!
In Literacy today there are lots of exciting activities that you can share with us too! We look forward to seeing what you create.
1.5..20 Home learning Literacy
1.5.20 Home learning Numeracy

Have a good day!
From Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle

4 thoughts on “P3 Learning 1.5.20

  1. Post author

    When we check the profile, your child does appear to have assigned tasks. Could you please send an email to the school office (FAO Miss Foote) to request the username and password just in case there are two accounts? Many thanks.

  2. Hi, Sorry i never saw the message until this morning, just checked her profile and there are no tasks in the Individual program page, I wonder if her account is not linked to the school.


    that is a screen grab of her profile.

  3. Post author

    Hi there, we have just checked N’s account and they are in the ‘individual programme’ section. There should be 9 tasks you can see in there.

  4. With regards to the use of study ladder no tasks were set in my daughters profile, and I was unable to find the tiger comprehension test in Study ladder, so we completed it via the PDF

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