P3 Update 31.3.20

Good afternoon P3!
We hope you are enjoying your activities.
I wonder how many of you have ever found a spider in the bath, like the boy in the poem today.

It’s lovely to see so many children on Sumdog today. Well done, especially, to SK, HT and JB in P3fw and RB, SJ and AC in P3sw. We can see that you have worked hard today, and there are lots of others working hard too!

A big well done to FS and his mum for taking part in the Oti Mabuse dance to Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. I think Oti used some of our ideas!

I (Mrs Settle) did my spring walk yesterday afternoon. Here is my picture of a sign of spring. We’d love to see your pictures too. Please remember that you can email them to the school office if you don’t want to post them here.
Take care,
Miss Foote and Mrs Settle

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