Monday 30.3.20

Here is today’s learning, should Teams become unavailable.


Monday 30.3.20

L.I. To read for understanding

Read (Walliams group listen) to this text about Scotland

Username: wbsupport
 Password: distancelearn  to access this site

Then click the ‘more information’ tab and answer the 4 questions in your green jotter.


L.I. To demonstrate my learning of fractions

To assess your learning of fractions could you please play the following games that are allocated to you on Active Learn;

Balloon Pop

Fractions and number lines

Fractions – challenge

Ordering fractions

Fractions Flag

You won’t all have exactly the same games as they are specifically for your group.  Miss Hesp and Miss Melrose will be looking on Active Learn to see how you have been getting on.



L.I.  To take my pulse

Working with an adult at home, learn how to take your pulse. Aim to do 15 minutes of exercise and then take your pulse rate before (resting), during (active) and after (cooling down). Keep a note of this. Try this at least 3 times in a week. Notice any improvement?