Gratitude Jar Challenge

Health & Wellbeing Activity

We thought over the coming weeks whilst at home you could design a ‘Gratitude jar’ to place notes in for the following;

  • I am grateful for…..
  • I would like to …..
  • People I would like to visit are ….
  • Places I would like to go…..
  • I am thankful for …….

It can be absolutely anything, you might even want to use different colours for different things. It’s entirely up to you.

Then when things start to come back to normal again we can select things from our jar to do or remind us of what we are grateful for!

Mrs Howard has started one with Orange post its being things she is grateful for and Green being places, people and things she would like to do.

Give it a try!

Equipment needed:

1 clear jar, tub or pot

Coloured paper or post it notes – gratitude slips

Decorations to decorate your jar with (ribbons, stickers, labels)

Post your Gratitude Jar pictures in Teams or email them into the School email address FAO: your class teacher/Mrs Howard.

Have fun everyone

#ready #responsible #respectful #safe