Bonjour la classe!
Aujourd’hui il fait mauvais. Où est le soleil?
Here are your tasks for today. We have set up a little competition between the two classes on Sumdog between 9am and 6pm today. See your numeracy sheet for more information!
Have a good day and remember to include learning, physical activity and relaxing time in your day. You can let us know how you are getting on by leaving a reply here.
26.3.20 P3 Home learning Literacy
26.3.20 P3 Home learning Numeracy
Take care!
Miss Foote and Mrs Settle
PS We keep the same set of spelling word for two weeks. Here they are!
oe ough 19.3.20
How lovely to hear from you! I am also busy with school work right now and missing the children so much. Take care!
Mrs Settle
Good afternoon Mrs Settle! M is currently working through her numeracy. She is missing you and can’t wait to get back into the classroom! Hope you are well xx
Good morning.
For personal safety reasons P3 children are not using Glow. Everything you need for learning from home will be posted on the Blog.Please use the reply button here or email the school office if you require further help.
Kindest regards,
Miss Foote and Mrs Settle
Hi, I have been trying for a few days to get ZC into glow. It will not accept his password as I have tried his dob all different ways. Please can you advise how this goes in and the account is locked now