Primary 2 Home Learning Day 2- Tuesday 24th

Good Morning All,

We hope you managed to keep busy yesterday and we are sure you did your best. Here is today’s Literacy and Numeracy tasks.  Thank you keeping us updated through the blog too. It is nice to hear from you.

Miss Morland and Miss Craig

Home learning grid p2 Literacy Tuesday

24th Home learning grid P2 Numeracy Tuesday 24th

5 thoughts on “Primary 2 Home Learning Day 2- Tuesday 24th

  1. Post author


    Thanks for getting in touch. Staff teams were out yesterday to deliver packs that were left. I’ll email to find out and get back to you.
    Miss Craig

  2. Hello to Miss Craig and Miss Morland

    We just wanted to pop a note on to say thank you so much for the learning packs. We can see the effort that was put in and in such a short time!

    We are enjoying the activities set so far. Adam is most impressed with the reptiles book he got!! Adam will go for his first day to St Mary’s tomorrow as things have now changed and daddy has to go into work as he is now in the key worker group, along with mummy! Adam is excited to be seeing other children!

    Take care

  3. Hello, Rebecca’s mum here! Loving the clearly laid out work. Monday felt like quite a lot, Tuesday was more manageable. It’s great seeing how Rebecca’s reading and writing has been progressing, she read her whole book in the 10 minutes!

    We didn’t get chance to get the home learning pack, and figure the new rules make it near impossible to get one now. Little lost without the usernames to all these websites, are they individual to each child? Any way to get these please?

    Thanks for all your hard work! Rebecca wakes up excited to get her home work done!

  4. Thanks Rohan had great couple of hours at st marys before coming home for 14days yesterday and managed most of yesterdays tasks. About to start this morning. Packs sent home were amazing, thank you!

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