Lendrickmuir Day 4

It is our last day and we will tell you all about it.

For breakfast we had a selection of cereal and toast. After breakfast we went to the Kilpatrick room to learn about friendship. Three groups then went out to do Search and Rescue, during this we learnt first aid skills and we were trying to find people. There was a hiker, a bird watcher and a dog walker. We had to take care of them and put bandages on them. Only the green group managed to find their person. Some of us went to Jacob’s ladder and archery. Some of us made it up to parts 8 and 9 on the ladder. Another group did low ropes and the walk to the gorge. It was fun! The final group did mini survival and we had to make a den which would be water proof and wind proof. We chose to make the dens for ourselves. The other activity we did was archery.

After a yummy lunch of leek and potato soup and a burger, we took part in low ropes, Jacob’s ladder, archery, search and rescue and nightline. By the time we finished this afternoon every group had completed every activity.

For dinner we had a choice of chilli or pulled pork. After it we had apple crumble and custard. The pulled pork was amazing and the chef even shared his recipe with some of us.

After dinner we went up to our rooms to get ready for our Cheesy Disco. It was really fun. After the disco we got a little treat of hot chocolate and a marshmallow.

We are very sad to go home tomorrow but excited to see our parents and pets. See you tomorrow.


9 thoughts on “Lendrickmuir Day 4

  1. Another fantastic day!! Jam packed with lots of fun activities, everything sounds amazing, can’t wait to hear all about it soon Liam. 👍🏻
    Home time today wee man, missed you and can’t wait to see you! 🥰
    Hope you all have had an amazing time.
    Love u millions, mum and dad xxxx

  2. What an amazing week you’ve had. I’ve enjoyed sharing your experiences. Jessica would be awesome at the first aid session – she’s had years of practising her skills (just ask her Papa)!
    Looking forward to hearing about the adventure.
    Safe journey home.

  3. Can’t wait to have you back tomorrow Beth – what an amazing experience for you! We are all really looking forward to hearing all about it x

  4. Can’t wait to see you Lawson and hear about all your adventures! Lots of love, Mum, Dad, Lucy, Peppa & River xx

  5. Can’t believe this week is nearly over already! Can’t wait to see you tomorrow Amy and give you such a big hug. We’ve missed you sooooo much. Enjoy your last night! Love from Mum, Dad and Gemma xxx

  6. What an amazing week! I can’t wait to hear all about it and I can’t wait to squeeze you when your home Logan!❤️ See you tomorrow!!! Xx

  7. What another wonderful day you have all had. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow Eva, it’s been really strange without you here. Big hugs from us all. Mum, Dad, Robyn & Rebekah xxxx
    Love you more than cheese 🧀 Mum x

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