P4M 27.2.20 BLOG IT!

Hello everyone,

a quick update on what P4M have been up to.

We have been making some posters for our p2-4 show.  We recreated some of the advertising posters for the Sound of Music that were created when the film came out.  Some of us also created a poster of our favourite things to go with the song!  We have been working hard on our songs for the show and learning songs from the film, The Sound of Music.

In numeracy we have been learning our 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, and 8 times tables.  We are going to be looking at 6, 7 and 9 over the coming weeks and making links between them.   In number talks we have been working on using and making landmark, friendly numbers to help us with addition.  #numberacy

In PE we played a ‘floor is lava’ game and we had to use equipment to avoid touching the floor.   If you touched the floor you had to start again, ensuring that you worked as a team.  We have teams we are working in and we earn points each week for our team.  At the end of the 6 weeks, Mrs Howard will be giving us a prize! One of the prizes could be 10 minutes extra brake or choosing time! We really enjoyed this and it really made us apply some of our skills for life such as creativity, problem solving teamwork.  Within our teams, we have different jobs.  For example, team leader, equipment manager, assesser and reporters.  The reporters are like spies looking out for people working hard in our teams!

In literacy, we have been working hard on our spelling including common words that we use regularly.  In writing, we have been writing some reports on scientists.  You would need this for the future, for example, if you saw someone doing something that they were not supposed to be doing, you might have to write a report to the police.

In STEM, through our topic, we conducted the play-dough experiment.  We used play-dough to explore push, pull and gravitational forces. We also designed and made our own parachutes to test air resistance.   We have been looking at magnets and found out and what materials are magnetic.  We found out that magnets are made of metal.

P4M have also welcomed a new person to our class and we are enjoying getting to know them =]

Thank you for reading,

P4M and Miss MacKenzie