p3f Blog it! 31.1.20

In PE I liked making up three sequences and a move in gymnastics.

We have been writing in Scots language.

I have learned a poem in Scots. My favourite poem is The Heilin Coo

We have been learning about pattern in maths.

We have been doing research on the laptop about the Sun, the Moon and the Earth.

In Art we drew Loch Ness Monsters. We used pencils and pens to add colour.

We know that the Sun is a big ball of gas.

The Earth goes around the Sun and it takes 24 hours.

We have been learning about the Sun. The Sun is a star.

I know that the Earth is bigger than the Moon and the Sun is bigger than the Earth.

We have been learning about the Solar System. The Sun is the centre of the Solar System.

In Gymnastics we have been learning how to jump, how to roll and how to balance. I am good at balancing.

We know that you can fit all the planets between the Earth and the Moon.

The Moon has less gravity than Earth.

I have been doing good reading.

In PE I was good at balancing.