P4M Blog it! 27.1.20

P4M would like to share about what we have been learning about.

We have been learning Gymnastics in PE with Mrs Howard. We are excited to be attending a Benchball tournament tomorrow.

In numeracy, we have been learning our 2, 4 and 8 times tables.  We know that these times tables are linked because we can apply our understanding of doubling.

To celebrate Burn’s Night and Scots language week, we have been writing Scots and we even made some mashed potatoes!  We also learned a Scots poem and recited this to the class.  The 3 winners went forward into the school poetry competition.

Today, we learned about Anne Frank and the Holocaust after watching news round.  We like to keep up to date watching the news.

Last week, the silent disco was back! We had a boogie to celebrate all our hard work while our school had some visitors.

P4M have started a topic learning about Forces and we used balloons to see some forces in action.  We pushed, pulled, started movements and stopped them.  We also conducted the play dough experiment to develop our understanding of push and pull forces alongside gravity.

We have started a new class novel.  It is called ‘The Creakers’ and it was written by Tom Fletcher.  He also wrote our favourite, The Christmasaurus.

On a Monday each week we are taking time to visit our school library.  We do this to develop our reading skills.

In jigsaw, we have been learning about dreams and goals and we created a flower garden which displays our dreams and goals for the future.

For writing, we have been writing an information report about Isaac Newton, who was a famous scientist that discovered the universal laws of gravitational force.

In French, we have been learning our French numbers.  We can count to 30 and we are going to go for 50 in today’s lesson!

Thanks for reading our update,


Miss MacKenzie and P4M