P7hs Blog It! 14/11/19

Something that we are excited about for term 2 is…

Ewan: Futsal

Hannah: Singing Masterclass performing at Tesco and the Christmas Fayre

Amy: Financial Education

John: Learning new strategies to solve maths problems

Coral: More long multiplication practise

Ryan: Having my own bank book

Logan: Using my bank book

Jay: More art lessons to create wall displays

India: Singing at Morrisons, Tesco and the Christmas Fayre with the Singing Masterclass

Ben: Counting all the money at the end of Money Month

Michael: Using Sumdog more and taking part in Sumdog contests

Sophie: Using my bank book

Tyler: Digi-tech responsibilities and meetings

Abbie: Running the Coffee Morning

Eva: More in singing Masterclass and going to Tesco

Jessica: Singing at the Christmas Fayre

Beth: The Christmas Fayre

Ellie: The Christmas Fayre and enterprise because it is really fun each year

Nimi: To challenge myself to higher group work in writing

Oliver: Money Month

Jack B: Using my bank book

Jack C: Money Month

Anthony: Money Month and our Topic floor book

Josh: Money Month, Topic floor book and Coffee morning

Murray: Coffee morning

Jackson: Money Month and Coffee Morning