P4M BLOG IT 14.11.19

Hello everyone,

time for an update from P4M.

Eden would like to tell you that the Christmas preparations are underway and we created some Christmas Candles for our class banner.

Lucy would like to tell you about the Turkeys we made.  We made them to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Carmen would like to tell you about our Christmas enterprise project.  We will be selling Melted Snowman bottled water… watch this space.  We are keen to let you know that any water bottles should be reused or recycled.

William would like to tell you about our Assembly.  To finish it off we have been learning the American National Anthem.  Evan has been enjoying this part and we discussed how American’s take great pride in their national anthem.

Jessica D would like to tell you about our money books.  Each day, we budget £1.00 in expenses for our chair, table, electricity and our imaginary pension.  Maxim would like to tell you that the daily salary is £24.60 and we can buy things with money that we save such as buying the teacher’s chair or desk for a lesson.

Ana would like to tell you about our music education.  We have learned about rhythm, pitch and beat.

Erika would like to tell you about numeracy.  We have been learning to add up to find change.  Erika knows that we have also linked this to our daily number talks.

Alana would like to tell you about our class novel.  She has really been enjoying the Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch.  Lewis would like to tell you how we linked this to our writing.  We imagined that the Christmasaurus was spotted flying over London and we created a newspaper article.

Callum S has been learning the ‘y’ spelling pattern.  It sounds like an ‘i-e’ or ‘igh’ sound sometimes.  An example of this would be the word reply.

Ethan would like to tell you about Benchball.  P4M had a mini tournament.  Aiden knows that you are only allowed to use 4 passes.  You get a point if you pass to your goalkeeper.

Jake would like to tell you about our latest Jigsaw lesson.  We made hands to show that we need to stamp out bullying and gave suggestions on what to do if we or someone else were being bullied.  There is always a helping hand available.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at our assembly next week.

Kind regards,

Miss MacKenzie and P4M