P5h Blog 27.9.19

Hello everyone! This is what we had to say about our learning over the last couple of weeks:

As part of our Americas topic, we have been exploring Mexico.

Danielle – I learned that the Aztecs ate dogs!

Earlier this week, P5h went on a bike ride with Sustrans.

Lucy C – the bike ride we went on was really fun. I fell off a few times which wasn’t as good! I really enjoyed as it was a great experience for me to get out and ride my bike as I can’t do that in my street.

Aiden – I liked going on the bike ride because it was really fun and I was standing up on the pedals.

Ryan – I enjoyed the bike ride because it was good fun and it gave you more experience of nature. I tried really hard to go fast and got a bit distracted and nearly cycled into a pole!

Daniel – I liked the bike ride because I really enjoy cycling at my gran’s. It was great to go during the school day!

Ailis – I liked the bike ride as we had to try and find boxes which contained a surprise.

Evi – I won a box on the bike ride. Lucy C and I both picked matching water bottles which we got to take home.


We have been rehearsing hard for our P5-7 show.

Brandon – I really enjoy my part in the show. I’m playing a man who used to be in Smile.

Angus – it’s really fun to practice our show in the hall. I’m playing Freddie Mercury.

Sam – I enjoy practising the show as I get to play the air guitar on stage with Luka and Ryan W.

Evi – I play the manager of Queen in the show. I have a great part and I’m looking forward to throwing money into the audience!

Murray – My favourite thing this year is being a member of my dream band in the show. It’s a dream come true! I’ve always wanted to play Queen in a show and now it’s happening. I get to play Brian May who is the best guitarist in the world (apart from Slash!).

Ailis – I enjoy my part in the show as I get to work out on stage!


We can’t wait for you to see the results of all our hard work on the 10th October.