Primary 4B

Primary 4B would like to tell you about what we have been doing.


Ramzi said we have been learning about mummification. We mummified some tomatoes. We had to wash them, cut them and scoop out the insides and then we filled them with baking powder and salt. Within a week they shrunk and shrivelled up because the salt took all the water out. Rhys really enjoyed making canopic jars out of clay for the tomatoes to go in.

We have really enjoyed singing with NYCOS. Mrs De Leun has been teaching us rhythm and beats and we have been learning lots of new songs. Tristan’s favourite song is the coca cola song!

Oliver has enjoyed racing in PE. We have been keeping fit doing lots of 6 minute laps. Jacob liked doing the stations with shuttle runs, skipping and burpees! We have been practising backwards passing in rugby- Iemanja has nailed it! We are taking part in a world cup rugby competition!

We have also been learning about Holland. Lewis knows they are famous for Tulips and cheese! We are looking forward to learning about different European countries too.